About the School

General Information

Registration opens on 15 March 2025.

Date and Location
The school will take place from Monday 8 to Friday 12 September 2025 at Molecular Biotechnology Center (MBC) in Torino, Italy.
Morning lectures will take place in Room Eraclito, while afternoon sessions (hands-on tutorials) will be held in Room Von Neumann.

While we strongly encourage in-person participation, we also offer the possibility to attend remotely through streaming of morning lectures and afternoon hands-on tutorials.

Participants will have the opportunity to present their research at a poster session.

Lunches, coffee breaks and social dinner
Lunches Monday-to-Friday, morning and afternoon coffee breaks and a social dinner (Wednesday evening) are included in the registration fee.


The CRYSTAL  program for quantum-mechanical simulations of materials has been bridging the realm of molecular
quantum chemistry to the realm of solid state physics for many years, since its first public version released back in 1988. This peculiarity stems from the use of atom-centered basis functions within a linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO) approach and from the corresponding efficiency in the evaluation of the exact Fock exchange series. In particular, this has led to the implementation of a rich variety of hybrid density functional approximations since 1998. Nowadays, it is acknowledged by a broad community of solid state chemists and physicists that the inclusion of a fraction of Fock exchange in the exchange-correlation potential of the density functional theory is key to a better description of many properties of materials (electronic, magnetic, mechanical, spintronic, lattice-dynamical, etc.).

The full list of features of CRYSTAL can be found here.